How to Hire Great Employees

Business How To’s

22 November 2016

How to Hire Great Employees

  • Posted by Awfis Editorial

A company is defined by its workforce. If you have a dedicated, committed and hard-working employee base who cares about the mission of the company, you are bound to receive a higher quality of work.

A lot of investment goes into hiring an employee. It is recommended that you are extremely sure of who you are hiring and trusting with the work that your company does.

Creating a process of elimination is beneficial in understanding all the strengths, weaknesses and skills of an applicant. The following may help you with hiring the best employees for your company:

  1. Write an impressive job description:

Writing a job description is the only point of attraction for a potential employee. By reading the job description will a potential employee understand whether they want to work for the company. Selling the position is vital to source employees effectively. The job description should not only contain the responsibilities to avoid ambiguity but also tell applicants the benefits they will receive by working with the company.

  1. Source the applicants

Sourcing the applicants is more than just posting an ad on classifieds. Following sourcing strategies can be followed:

  1. Use LinkedIn when in need of senior and experienced employees:LinkedIn being a huge professional network is home to numerous qualified applicants looking for employment. Interested employees send in their resumes to a professional posting on the company page.
  2. Employee referrals:Asking employees for referrals is one of the best ways to source applicants. Employees know the company very well and understand the kind of work that needs to be done. Thus they will suggest applicants who they think will fit in best into the company culture and will be able to do the work well.
  3. Get in touch with people you have worked with in the past:Hiring someone you have already had a pleasant experience working with is advantageous in a variety of ways. You will know their working style, their personality as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Approach local colleges for alumni contacts:Alumni from local colleges can be targeted effectively on the basis of courses done and teacher recommendations.
  5. Paid Internships:A lot of colleges have internship experience as a compulsory part of their course. Therefore internships attract a lot of applicants. Paid internships are a good method to understand the intern’s personality and if he or she is cut out for the company.
  6. Send a task

You can have various steps that lead to a final interview that test the skills and competencies of the client. Sending a task related to the kind of work that will be handled by the employee should tell you how the employee will perform going ahead.

  1. Background check

Follow the task with a strong background check. Calling up contacts provided as part of resumes, cover letters and letters of recommendation is done in order to understand past behaviours. It is a well-known fact that employees will perform the same way they have been in previous years. You could also go through an applicant’s social media pages. Even though eliminating an applicant based on their social media profile is not recommended, going through their pages could give a good insight on their personality. Understanding employee sincerity and seriousness ensures a quality hire. This method is one of the ways to determine the same.

  1. Ask the right questions in the interview

There is a general perception that skills are the primary aspect to review while hiring someone. However more important things such as personality, drive, sincerity and willingness to work hard are ignored. Asking applicants questions that determine how they will react in pressure situations, how they have overcome challenges and learnt from mistakes makes for a good strategy for elimination. Skills can be learnt. But a personality is very difficult to change. Make sure that along with the Human Resource employees, you are interviewing the applicants yourself as well. This communicates the seriousness of the role and you get to choose the applicant who you think fits best.

  1. Market the job

Give applicants the freedom to ask questions at the end of the interview so as to clear all their doubts. Just as in the job description, tell them how this particular position will be of advantage to them.

Hiring the best should definitely be a significant goal especially for a start-up. An employee indicates a huge amount of investment at a stage where finances are everything. The first few employees should definitely be hard workers and willing to delve in areas other than their expertise as well. Start-ups require employees to work on tasks in a variety of areas. Quality employees will not run away from such situations and will ensure that the company runs like a well-oiled machine.

Great employees make great organisations and great organisation need great working spaces. Choose a co-working space in Andheri West, Mumbai or shared office space in South Extention, New Delhi.

7 Types Of Colleagues Found In Every Successful Organization

Business How To’s

25 August 2021

7 Types Of Colleagues Found In Every Successful Organization

  • Posted by awfis

A dynamic enterprise usually thrives on a cocktail full of spunky personalities. Each brings in their unique talents and habits that fit like perfect pieces in a puzzle. From the sassy boss to the clingy colleague, here’s some types that you are bound to bump into…

1. The compulsive foodie(s)

Instead of clients, this one’s got all the city’s restaurants on speed dial. From Domino’s to the latest hotspot in town, their peckish appetite will ensure that there’s plenty food circulating all around office. Whether, you’ve got random board meetings or your team’s working at odd hours – you’ll never be hungry ever.

2. The witty assassin

This one will ‘slay’ you more lethally than Beyonce or Eminem ever will.  Come hell or sunshine, he or she’s got the perfect comeback for every painful person and situation. Known for having their fair share of haters, they’re also true entertainers. But, it’ll do you good to remember that it’s a war of words that’s not worth playing….

3. The jack-of-all trades

From sweet talking to https://www. to executing any kind of project – you name it & it is done.  This breed seldom takes no for an answer.  Whatever is touched turns to gold and they will leave you wondering how it got done. If you need a helping hand, an insightful shrink, or someone to walk your dog, rest assured you can depend on this pro multi-tasker with your eyes shut!

4. The road runner

This famous few will be on their toes, always on the phone, pretending to be busier than the Kardashians.  Your’re more likely to see them at the office door as a permanent fixture. All the worlds’ people know this person and this social butterfly is likely to know everyone. Constantly on the move, you’ll need this PR pro to take your business to places.

5. The tech geek

You’ll always find this genius, behind a bunch of wires, computers and applications. Broke a light bulb, had a short-circuit or you found your desktop suddenly crashed… Fret not. Dexter’s got the perfect fix. Quiet and demure, he probably takes pride in being faster than a normal computer. But, if you’re a know-it-all, then you might not like this mister…

6. The swear champion

This person believes in pure tough love. Yeah, ouch! When the pressure builds up and clients turn demanding, then be sure to hear a spew of gushing swears. Whether it’s loud and clear or below the belt, this one is feared and they sure know how to get work done. Tip: They are usually in positions of power and you’d rather never cross the line with them

7. The constant complainer

This one’s a problem magnet. Even on the brightest day where there’s plenty of reason to rejoice, this type loves telecasting their worries. This includes the coffee machine, that might have broken down or the weather that suddenly turned rotten – there’s always something to say. However, their minute observation constantly keeps you in check and hey! Be assured that you’ll get plenty feedback for the tiniest things on agenda.

But whether you like it or not… take each of these types with a pinch of salt, because they make for the big brains and even bigger learning curves…

Things Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From Pursuit of Happyness

Business How To’s

25 August 2021

Things Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From Pursuit of Happyness

  • Posted by awfis

Pursuit of Happyness is an iconic movie which was released in 2006. It has been 10  years since it released, but never fails to inspire the viewer. It fills the person with a determination to fight for their dreams irrespective of the hindrances that come along.

Based on a true story of Chris Gardner, a man who loses everything , but manages to get everything because of his perseverance. They show how Chris and his son battle a period of homelessness selling medical bone density scanners while being enrolled in an internship as a stock broker.

pursuit_of_happyness poster

Here are the important things that every entrepreneur can take from the movie:

1. Be ready for extreme hardships:

We’ve seen in the movie that Chris Gardner goes through numerous hardships. Whether it comes to selling his bone density scanners or taking up an internship while managing to take care of his son and provide for him. He doesn’t lose his determination even when everything seems bleak. It’s important not to give up and go on and try to overcome the problems that we come across, daily.

2. Aim for the stars

Always aim high! Believe in yourself and everything can be conquerable. Chris Gardner took a chance and went for an option of interning as a stockbroker where only one person at the end would be given a job! He took a chance when the odds were against him and proved that all you need is an opportunity to achieve things when you set your heart at it.

3. Put In all the effort

When you want to achieve something make sure you give your best shot. A half hearted attempted is a good as not giving it a try. Chris Gardner has many close calls, where anyone else would have given up. He even fixes a bone density scanner at the homeless shelter to make the ends meet.  He has proved that if one wants anything eagerly in life, they should work as if their life depends on it.

4. Never let anyone’s judgement cloud your decision

Do not forget to believe in yourself, even if everyone gives up on you. Your decisions should be made on the basis of your logic and intuition rather than someone else’s judgement. Chris does not give up on the internship even when his wife leaves him. Instead he gets even more determined to succeed. Listen to your heart and no one else’s opinion. Immerse yourself in your dream idea!

5. Never show signs of weakness

Always show your strengths. The moment you do that, everything will fall into place. Fear is the toxin, hope and belief is the antidote. Chris always greeted everyone on a positive note and did not even flinch when he has to shell out his last 5$ to pay for executives cab fare. Quick thinking and how you transform your weaknesses into strengths is what matters eventually.

Chris Gardner’s remarkable achievements show that no matter how many obstacles you face, the rules for success are the same for everyone. If you follow the rules, no matter how difficult it gets, you will reap the reward of your own “Pursuit of Happyness.”

5 Effective Strategies to Market Your Freelance Career

Business How To’s

25 August 2021

5 Effective Strategies to Market Your Freelance Career

  • Posted by awfis

What’s better than doing the job that you love and getting paid for it? That’s the life of a freelancer. You get the best of both the worlds where you get to mix passion and profession together. Freelancing is no magic, you can either be an individual with your own website or a part of a team who has been taking up projects from various clients for over a period of time.


If you are a freelancer and are wondering about the next steps to make it successful, here are some strategies that we think will help you make it a long term career.

  1. Create a checklist of your deliverables:

The first step to promote your freelance career is to list down your skill set in the order of strength. It can be writing, graphic designing, creating video content or anything else that you think is your forte. Once you have this list ready, your reality will be in front of your eyes. The strengths can eventually result into a niche market of your own, via freelancing.

  1. Make sure your content reaches your target audience:

In today’s world identifying your potential client, plays key while marketing for the freelancer. In order to ensure this, make sure that your content is shared on all the social media platforms. For example, if you have created a video make sure you maximize it on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other relevant social media platforms. With this you can increase the visibility of your content and influence them with your content.

  1. Do not forget to focus on e-mail marketing:

E-mails are the best way to reach the correct target audience. The click through rate might be less compared to other social media platforms but around 90% of the audience using e-mails check it daily. People sign up for various sites knowing that they would be receiving mails from that particular website. It is the easiest way to cover a large network area. If you are a little shy or lack the opportunity to connect with the right market, cold emailing will be the best way to reach out to your target.

  1. Maintain your website traffic and Inquiry section efficiently:

The easiest way for people to contact you is through the inquiry section on your website. Do respond to inquiries as soon as you can as this will uplift the credibility of your brand. Along with that make sure Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Marketing for your page/website is up to mark. As they say, optimizing the page is better than being lost somewhere amidst millions of similar searches.

  1. Get referrals from your clients:

Referrals provide authenticity to your work. Word of mouth is better than any other form of marketing. Use it as an advantage and get credibility for your work. Effective relationships are built over a period of time. They not only enable you to reach out to your potential clients, but also motivate you to perform better. Do not hesitate to get testimonials from clients you’ve delivered great service to!

Using these strategies will prove beneficial for kick-starting your freelancing career. If you are ready and confident about your freelancing skills, it’s time to implement these strategies in reality!