Every entrepreneur has a purpose for initiating their own business. Each one of them has a different story whether to resolve an issue encountered in real life or to pursue their passion, commencing a business of your own can be a life-changing decision. There are several reasons that inspire budding entrepreneurs to chase their dreams of starting a profitable business.
However, if you’re in the opinion of starting your own business for any of these five reasons, then it’s better to think again:
Getting rich
Making money is the legitimate & prime purpose of business. However, for a good business wealth is the by-product, not the main product. If your dreams of entrepreneurship are like boarding a charter jet for Monaco, call a time out. Not every businessman strikes gold or diamonds. Chasing such dreams of cash rainbows can divert you from decision making of good business.
You hate your job
You don’t like your job, but this is not an excuse to start your own business. Instead of hating your job, focus on your positive energy to find a positive solution to your employment problems. If you are an employee working for an unreasonable and demanding superior, then it is quite obvious that this sentiment would have crossed your mind many times. Before leaving your job you must ensure that you are replacing it with a feasible alternative that is financially viable.
You Want to Work Less
Being an entrepreneur and running a business is time-consuming, particularly in the launch of the business. Your 24/7 presence is required to make your business stand and thrive, unlike your job where you can spend time with your family when you don’t have pressure. There is always something to do and you are the only one to make sure it gets done.
Being an Entrepreneur Would Be Easier
If you think that being an entrepreneur would be easier than working in a corporate office space then it is a complete misnomer. Though there are certain complications that are linked exclusively with corporate jobs, but every job has its pros and cons – even in running your own business. Entrepreneurship has its own various set of challenges, but it is in no way easier than having a corporate job.
To Become Your Own Boss
This is the myopic hypothesis. As you have to understand that when you start a business, your suppliers, partners, customers, creditors and a lot of other people will become your new “bosses”. Do not think of starting business if you’re hungry for power.
Every entrepreneur should to be honest with respect to their strengths and weaknesses, and should have realistic reasons for considering the startup path. For a new venture, even with the best of business opportunities, if done for the wrong reasons, would most likely fail.