The pandemic instigated organizations to redefine their office occupancy strategies, imprinting its consequences on the long-term workspace policies as well. Amid the uncertainty, flex workspaces proved to be an ideal workspace strategy not only for small organizations but also for large enterprises who were looking for optimal utilization of their resources. With the world returning to normalcy and businesses reinstituting their operations, flex workspaces remain to be the top choice in the post-pandemic workspace strategy.

Episode 4- Changing Workspace Dynamics in 2022

Key Takeaways

  • The outlook toward flex workspaces has significantly changed over the last two years since the pandemic with organizations of different scales now considering flex workspace as a long-term workspace solution. This change in occupier sentiment is led by constant innovation, excellent service, and round-the-clock client support demonstrated by the flex space providers, especially during uncertain times.
  • Benefit of converting CAPEX to OPEX, adoption of a distributed or hybrid work strategy, and flexibility (financial, geographical, and solution-based) are the three main drivers of accelerated adoption of flex workspaces in India.
  • With more organizations that have a large network and workforce spread across the country adopting a distributed or hybrid work strategy, it is predicted that they will lead the demand for flex workspaces in the future.
  • With companies rolling out work from office policies and work from home employees resisting moving to metro cities, companies must focus on providing more than just a workspace. To get the workforce moving, companies must create workspaces that offer a productive growth environment with flexibility at its core.

Our Speakers for the session:

Pulkit Bakshi

Head- Flexible and Agile Workspace Solutions- India, CBRE

Sukirti Pandey

Vice President- Marketing, Awfis Space Solutions Pvt. Ltd.